Thoughts on the Incarnation at Christmas!(This was originally shared as a post on Facebook on December 22, 2019)2d ago2d ago
Predigt zu Karfreitag — A.D. 2021(Dies ist eine diesjährige Anpassung und Übersetzung der Predigt zu Karfreitag gehalten in der Kreuzkirche in Weimar im Jahr 2020.)Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
A Sermon for Good Friday, A.D. 2021(This is an adaptation of the sermon for Good Friday held in the Kreuzkirche in Weimar, Germany, in 2020.)Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
My WordsOne of the greatest gifts given to me by my mother was a respect and love for words.Jan 24, 20212Jan 24, 20212
Do I have what it takes to write online? (Hello, Internet! Here’s my toe…)If you are reading this here, you know what it feels like to stare at and enjoy the big icy pool that is this platform for words. I love…Aug 27, 20191Aug 27, 20191